selected Documentary and Commerials


Laughing in the face of Emergency

This film is part of a larger web series called REMARKABLE ONES. I was able to develop and direct this episode and lead and mentor a team of 6 other filmmakers in New Orleans.


Directed, filmed and edited by Nic Justice

Directed Filmed and edited by Nic Justice.

Kensington Youth Poetry Collaboration created a beautiful poem for this film that was filmed and edited by Nic Justice. For NKCDC


Barnes Foundation

After several successful projects with the Barnes Foundation, this one is unique because it was part of the gallery installation. Displaying a film that I directed, filmed, and edited next to newly rediscovered work by Paul Cézanne


A highlight of a week of events. I worked directly with the event creator to create a series of videos. I led a team of 5 other video professionals on the locations and directed the editor through post-production.

I was able to make a trip to India to capture this footage alongside another filmmaker as the 2nd camera operator.

Concepted, Produced and Directed by Nic Justice

Directed and Filmed by Nic Justice

Filmed and edited by Nic Justice

Directed, filmed and edited by Nic Justice

Directed, filmed and edited by Nic Justice

Created with Rough Cuts Mini mentorship program. Produced by Nic Justice